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FDA Mumbai conducts awareness programme for FBOs with respect to festival season
Monday, 09 September, 2024, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Kimberley Almeida, Mumbai
An awareness programme was conducted on September 6, 2024, for ‘Sweets Manufacturers’, ‘Retailers’ and ‘Mawa Manufacturers’ of Mumbai by FDA Greater Mumbai office in which instructions and guidance under Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), were given to Food Business Operators (FBOs), with respect to festival season.

Guidelines and Advice for Sweet Manufacturers, Retailers, and Mawa Manufacturers with respect to festival season are:

1. Maintaining Cleanliness and Hygiene - Cleanliness should be the top priority when preparing sweets. Hands, equipment, the workshop, and the workspace must be kept clean. Workers should wash their hands and wear clean, appropriate clothing before starting work.

2. Use of Pure and Safe Raw Materials - The raw materials used for sweets, such as milk, sugar, ghee, and dry fruits, should be of the best quality and pure. Using impure or spoiled ingredients can be harmful to health.

3. Proper Storage Methods- Maintaining the right temperature and ventilation for storing sweets is essential. Sweets should be kept in refrigerators or in a clean, dry place to prevent spoilage.

4. Avoiding the Use of Colours and Chemicals- Artificial colours or harmful chemicals should be avoided in sweets. Using natural colours is more appropriate and has no adverse effects on customers' health.

5. Licenses and Approvals for Sales- Sweet sellers should obtain the necessary licenses and approvals as per the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI). This ensures the quality and safety of the products.

6. Shelf Life and Labelling of Sweets- Each sweet should have proper labelling that includes information on shelf life, production date, and ingredients. Customers should be aware of how long the sweets will last.

7. Regular Inspections- Sweet manufacturers should regularly inspect their products and storage areas and fully cooperate with administrative inspection processes.

Mahesh Chaudhari, joint commissioner, Greater Mumbai, FDA, said, “Following all these guidelines will ensure that customers receive safe, tasty, and pure sweets, and it will guarantee the quality of the production.”
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