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CSIR-CFTRI ups attention to role of biochemistry, food science and nutrition as food for future
Tuesday, 04 June, 2024, 13 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, Bengaluru
CSIR-CFTRI is reinforcing its focus on the role of biochemistry, food science and nutrition as the food for future. In food preservation and safety biochemistry plays a crucial role.
This has led the Mysuru-based institute shore up its attention to specific areas such as spices, carbohydrate chemistry and novel enzymes. It also makes it imperative to develop effective preservation methods because biochemical reactions are involved in food spoilage and degradation.

For instance, canning relies on the principles of heat processing to destroy harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and moulds that can spoil food and cause foodborne illnesses. The heat disrupts the cellular structures of microorganisms, rendering them inactive and preventing spoilage. Freezing too slows down biochemical reactions by lowering the temperature, thus reducing the rate of microbial growth but it may not completely halt enzymatic reactions, which can still lead to quality deterioration over time, according to experts.
In order to disseminate knowledge on this front, CSIR-CFTRI in association with the Society of Biological Chemists (India), Mysore and AFST (I), deliberated on the ‘Food for our Future: The Role of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition’.  This was organised in commemoration with the birth centenary year: 1924-2024 of Late Dr M R Raghavendra Rao, Late Dr H S R Desikachar, Late Dr M S Narasinga Rao, who served as former Deputy Directors, CSIR-CFTRI.
Dr Jayadeep A, former Chief Scientist and Head of FSAQCL/GST Dept. and President, SBC(I), Mysore Chapter,  Dr G Muralikrishna, former Chief Scientist and Head, Dept.of Biochemistry, CSIR-CFTRI, Dr V Prakash, CSIR-CFTRI, lauded pioneering research on parboiling of rice, technological aspects of millets/minor-millets, premixes of ready to eat and ready to cook cereals and milling aspects of various pulses i.e., easy to mill and difficult to mill. They emphasised on the research on grains which resulted in several patents, processes and technology transfers to industries.
Dr V Prakash, former director, CSIR-CFTRI, and former distinguished Scientist of CSIR, called upon all the young students and scientists to concentrate on the emerging areas such as prebiotics/probiotics/synbiotics and post-biotics.
He emphasised the need for packed foods without packaging films and stressed the necessity to work on molecular aspects of sensory perception and nutraceuticals.
Dr Prakash also pointed out that there was considerable scope in various regional foods of India with respect to their production and technological aspects.

Dr Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director, CSIR-CFTRI, stated that there should be a link among past, present and futuristic research. In this regard, CSIR-CFTRI was always in the forefront with regards to basic, technological and translational research in various facets of food science and technology.
“In this regard, CSIR-CFTRI is not only doing intra-institutional research but also inter institutional work both at national and international fronts. Also, the institute is ready to take up industrial funded projects and know-how of many bioactive molecules isolation and their associated technologies are ready for industrial transfer,” added Dr Sridevi.
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