Friday, February 7, 2025

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Coverage of irrigation area increased between FY16 & FY21 from 49.3% to 55% of gross cropped area: Economic Survey 2024-25
Monday, 03 February, 2025, 15 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
The government has prioritised irrigation development and water conservation practices to enhance access to irrigation facilities, states the Economic Survey 2024-25, tabled by Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Nirmala Sitharaman in the Parliament. The coverage of irrigation area has increased between FY16 and FY21 from 49.3 per cent to 55 per cent of the gross cropped area (GCA), while irrigation intensity has risen from 144.2 per cent to 154.5 per cent.

Per Drop More Crop
The Economic Survey states that since the FY16 fiscal year, the government has been implementing the Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) initiative, a component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), to promote water efficiency. From FY16 to FY25 (end of Dec. 2024), Rs 21968.75 crore was released to states for implementation of PDMC Scheme and an area of 95.58 lakh ha has been covered under which is about 104.67 per cent higher as compared to the pre-PDMC period.

Micro-Irrigation Fund

The Micro-Irrigation Fund (MIF) supports innovative projects through 2 per cent interest subvention to states on loans availed under MIF. Loans amounting to Rs 4709 crore has been approved of which Rs 3640 crore has been disbursed so far.

Rainfed Area Development Program
The Rain-fed Area Development (RAD) program has been implemented to develop and conserve natural resources alongside farming systems as part of the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) since FY15. From FY22 onwards, the RAD scheme has been integrated into the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). So far, Rs 1,858.41 crore have been allocated, covering an area of 8.00 lakh hectares under the RAD program since its inception.

Organic Farming
The Economic Survey states that to support organic farming, the government has implemented two dedicated schemes since 2015: the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and the Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER). Under PKVY, 52,289 clusters covering 14.99 lakh hectares and 25.30 lakh farmers have been mobilised. Similarly, under MOVCDNER, 434 Farmer Producer Companies have been created, covering a total area of 1.73 lakh hectares and benefiting 2.19 lakh farmers.

Cooperative Societies
The Economic Survey states that Cooperative societies in India serve a vital function across many sectors, including agriculture, credit and banking, housing, and women's welfare. To strengthen the cooperative sector, the Indian government has implemented various strategic initiatives. These include the introduction of Model Bye-Laws specifically for Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), designed to provide a structured framework for their operations. Measures like the establishment of retail petrol and diesel outlets and the setting up of micro-ATMs within cooperative societies to facilitate easier access to banking services are aimed at enriching the cooperative landscape. Moreover, the issuance of RuPay Kisan Credit Cards specifically for dairy cooperatives aims to improve the financial capabilities of these entities and their members.

Over 9,000 new PACS, dairy, and fishery cooperatives in underserved panchayats have been established, receiving support from various federations. As part of the government's push for greater accessibility, 240 PACS have applied for retail petrol and diesel outlets, with 39 currently selected to operate, thus expanding their service offerings. Furthermore, a substantial number-35,293 PACS-are now functioning as Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samriddhi Kendras (PMKSK), which are dedicated to providing essential fertilisers and related services to farmers, directly impacting agricultural productivity. Further, 1,723 micro-ATMs have been distributed, facilitating doorstep financial services and enhancing accessibility for rural populations.
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