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FSSAI reoperationalises stds related to packaged drinking water
Wednesday, 03 April, 2024, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The FSSAI has issued a direction for reoperationalisation of Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations related to standards of Packaged Drinking Water (other than Mineral Water).
According to FSSAI, the final amendment regulations have been approved by the Food Authority in its 42nd meeting and the same are in the process of final notification, which is expected to take more time for its publication in the Gazette of India.
And, to allow the food businesses to formulate the Packaged Drinking Water other than Mineral Water, FSSAI has decided to operationalise the provisions from 01.01.24 wherein the total dissolved solids mg/l is set at 75 10 500; Calcium (as Ca). mg/l is set at 10 to 75 and Magnesium (as Mg), mg/l is 5 to 30.
FSSAI, in 2022, operationalised the Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations with respect the values of Total Dissolved Solids, Calcium and Magnesium.
The Draft was subsequently made operationalised through order dated 21.06.2022 and 03.01.2023 regarding partial modification in the direction and extension in the date of implementation respectively.