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OZiva launches Matcha Plus, green tea blended with activated charcoal
Wednesday, 18 December, 2019, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Mumbai
OZiva, India’s leading clean-label active nutrition brand, released Matcha Plus, India’s first green tea packed with a healthy blend of organic Japanese matcha, licorice, activated charcoal and ginger root, designed to improve skin health by controlling skin pigmentation, dark circles and dullness.

The product is aimed specifically at OZiva’s primary target audience; the urban Indian woman, who yearns to live a healthy, active and meaningful life. The company seeks to reach its intended consumers that are spread across 2,000-plus cities and towns in India.

Vis-a-vis regular green tea, the Matcha tea blend, priced at Rs 699, boasts of 137 times more antioxidants, that can neutralise free radicals (toxic compounds) that form either due from external factors, such as long-term exposure to sun and pollution, as well as internal factors, such as stress. Matcha is essentially an easy and effective way to include powerful health advantages to your everyday diet.

Speaking on the release of Matcha Plus, the spokesperson for OZiva stated, “Being India's leading clean-label active nutrition brand, we are forever striving to raise our consumer value proposition by adding new and innovative products.”

“While we enjoy a strong leadership in the women’s fitness category, we are currently building a strong presence in the skin and hair nutrition (nutricosmetics) category,” he added.

“Matcha Plus is just an exemplification of our massive product innovation in the market. It is packed with activated charcoal and licorice that helps reduce skin pigmentation and dark circles, along with the benefits of improving metabolism,” the spokesperson added.
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