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A New Dimension to Vegetable Proteins: NUTRALYS® Pea Protein
Wednesday, 01 October, 2008, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
The word protein comes from the Greek word "proteios" which means primary. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs. Among all food ingredients, proteins are one of the fastest growing segments in food processing because of their nutritional and functional benefits.

The recent trend shows an imbalance in consumption of proteins from leguminous and meat sources. The demand for meat is increasing with a rate of 7 to 8.5% per year in counties like Russia and China and the current per capita consumption in European Union is 98 kg per year against 80 kg per year the recommended consumption by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). If this trend continues, a phenomenal increase in the demand for meat will be there and it will not be possible to fulfill the increasing demand for protein with meat and fish.

Pea is one of the oldest sources of leguminous food in Europe, combines energy from starch and protein for human nutrition. The essential amino acids profile of leguminous proteins is very close to that of the ideal protein for human nutrition. With NUTRALYS® Pea protein, Roquette opens a new future for pea by offering a large number of formulation opportunities with Nutralys®.

NUTRALYS® pea protein is extracted from dry pea (Pisum Sativum). Roquette research and development center has developed eco-friendly technology for the extraction of protein from pea. In comparison to other legumes, the pea varieties in France have low level of anti-nutritional components like tannins, phytates, lectins, trypsin inhibitor and phytosteroids (isoflavone). The excellent functional and nutritional properties of extracted proteins are maintained just because of very mild processing conditions and more over without any chemical solvents. Production is safe and simple: a dry process is used to produce pea flour. Then this flour is hydrated and wet processed. This step includes the separation of starch and internal fiber by decantation and flocculation. During processing apart from saponins, complex sugars (anti-nutritional factors) that are responsible for digestive discomfort are also eliminated.

Technological Advantages

Taste and flavour: The in-house developed technology for extraction process of pea protein eliminates most of the molecules responsible for off-taste.

Dispersibility: The special drying process for Nutralys® makes it easily dispersed in water with limited dust and foam formation. Emulsifying capacity: A special grade Nutralys®F range has been developed to ensure its emulsifying properties. The stability and strength of 1-5-5 emulsion is a key feature that explains its benefits for meat applications. It provides an improved yield and juiciness and a better visual aspect and texture to the end product.

Solubility: The solubility of Nutralys® increases with pH. A special grade Nutralys®S has been developed to respond increased solubility without sedimentation.

Nutritional Benefits

Protein Content: Nutralys® is a concentrated protein source. It generally contains 84-88% protein weight-by-weight basis which makes it better than whey protein, soya and wheat gluten concentrates available in market. Digestibility: The digestibility of Nutralys® is higher than pea flour and comparable to milk proteins and eggs. The Protein Digestibility Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of Nutralys® is 93.

Amino Acids: The essential amino acid content of Nutralys® is very close to that of an ideal protein for human consumption as recommended by FAO.

NUTRALYS® is rich in lysine and has low content of low-sulphur amino acids which make it very suitable for blends with cereals such as wheat. For instance the combination of 75% Nutralys® with 25% of wheat gluten leads to improve amino acid profile. Moreover, Nutralys® is a rich source of some specific amino acids (lysine: 7.3%, branched-chain amino acids: 18.1%, arginine: 8.7% and glutamine: 17.2%) which are very useful for growth and bone development, energy metabolism, prevention of cardio-vascular diseases and source of energy for muscles during stress.

Nutritional Claims

The possibilities of nutritional claims to be made for Nutralys® containing processed foods according to European regulation are as follow:

Source of Protein: At least 12% of the energy value of the finished product is provided by protein.

Rich/High in Protein: At least 20% of the energy value of the finished product is provided by proteins

Enriched/Increased in Protein: Finished product must have more than 30% of protein content compared to standard product and at least 12% of the energy value of finished product should be provided by protein.

Nutralys® an eco-friendly ingredient

Pea cultivation does not require much fertilizers and pesticide for plant protections and it helps to reduce the entrance of chemicals in food-chain. As a result, it generally reduces eco-toxicity and human toxicity risks.

Commercial grades of Nutralys®

There are 3 commercial grades of Nutralys®F: Nutralys®F85F Nutralys®F85M, Nutralys®F85G shown as increasing order of average particle size. The applications of these grades are as follows:

Nutralys®F85F: Meat, fish and ready to eat meals, brines and marinades, sauces, ham, meal substitutes, pasta

Nutralys®F85M: Meat and ready to eat meals, minced meat, sausages, meat foams, soups, snacks

Nutralys®F85G: Extruded and baked products

There are 2 grades of Nutralys®S: Nutralys®S85F and Nutralys®S85M corresponds to fine and medium size particles. The fine grade is suitable for food mixes targeted to sports people, meal substitutes, protein bars, brines and marinades, sauces, dairy based instant drinks. The medium particle size grade has wide applications in soups, processed food, protein rich food, nutraceuticals, and instant drinks.

Regulatory and Certification Status

Dry pea is processed in the Vic sur Aisne (Oise - France) Roquette plant (ISO 9001 certified). The production of Nutralys® respects the most demanding quality standards.

● NUTRALYS® is designated as "pea protein" which is a food ingredient.

● GMO status: It is non GM as no GM pea is authorized in the European Union.

● Allergen status: Pea is not a major allergen. It is not listed in the annex of Directive 2003/86/EC: list of allergens to be labeled.

● It is Kosher and Halal


● Organic status: Nutralys® is not an organic ingredient, but it can be used in the "non-organic" fraction of organic foods (up to 5 % in European Union).


The shelf life of packed Nutralys® is12 months from the date of manufacturing and it is available in15 kg bags.

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