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Canola Council of Canada sees scope for increased use of Canola oil in India
Saturday, 09 January, 2016, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Bengaluru
Canola Council of Canada (CCC) sees ample scope for use of Canola oil in India. This is because of the increase in import of this oil. Between January and August 2015, India imported 6,000 metric tonne of canola oil directly from Canada as against 1,200 tonne in 2014. The import tariff for all crude vegetable oil is 12.5% and for all refined vegetable oil is 20%.

India consumes 17.5 million tonne of vegetable oil and produces only less than half which is around 7.5 million tonne. This has led the country to import around 11 million tonne of oil.

The Canola brand imports in India are Wesson, Crisco, Mazola, Canola Harvest, besides CanDrop, Hudson, Jivo and Alom.

“The key advantages of Canola oil are that it is extremely versatile with neutral taste, light texture and high heat tolerance with a smoke point of 242oC making it ideal for just about any culinary application and cuisine,” said Bruce Jowett, VP, market development, Canola Council of Canada, during his visit to India last month.

The prices for Canola oil in India range from Rs 150 to Rs 250 per litre compared to local vegetable oil versions which cost around Rs 100-Rs 120 per litre. It has the least saturated fat of seven per cent, which is less than a third that of rice bran oil and about half that of sunflower, olive, soybean and groundnut oils. It contains the most plant-based Omega-3 fat, which is 11 per cent of all common cooking oils. It also contains zero trans fat, which is a good source of vitamins E and K and like all vegetable oils is free of cholesterol.

According to scientific studies, Canola oil may help reduce the risk of heart disease among Indians when used in place of oils higher in saturated fat and solid fats.

Canola oil comes from the crushed seeds of Canola plants. It is widely grown in Canada, where it was developed, and consumed in many countries.
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