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Government revises Market Intervention Scheme guidelines
Wednesday, 12 February, 2025, 14 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) is a component of PM-AASHA scheme. Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) is implemented on the request of State/UT Government for procurement of various perishable agricultural/horticultural commodities such as tomato, onion and potato, for which Minimum Support Price (MSP) is not applicable and there is a reduction of at least 10% in the market prices in the States/UTs as compared to the rates of the previous normal season, so that farmers are not forced to sell their produce under distress.

To encourage more States for implementation of MIS, Government has revised the MIS Guidelines in the following provisions:
  1. Made MIS a component of the integrated scheme of PM-AASHA.
  2. MIS will be implemented only when there is a minimum reduction of 10% in the prevailing market price as compared to the previous normal year.
  3. The procurement/coverage limit of production quantity of crops has been increased from the existing 20 percent ??to 25 percent.
  4. The State has also been given the option to pay the difference between the Market Intervention Price (MIP) and the selling price directly into the bank account of the farmers in place of physical procurement.
Further, where there is a difference in the price of TOP crops (tomato, onion and potato) between the producing and consuming States, the operational cost incurred in storage and transportation of crops from the producing State to other consuming States will be reimbursed by Central Nodal Agencies (CNA) like NAFED and NCCF, in the interest of farmers. Approval has been given to NCCF for reimbursement of cost for transportation of Kharif tomato upto 1,000 MT from Madhya Pradesh to Delhi. It is being proposed to include, apart from NAFED and NCCF, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs), State nominated agencies and other Central Nodal Agencies, to undertake procurement of top crops under MIS and to make arrangements for storage and transportation from the producing state to the consuming State in case of price difference between the producing State and the consuming State, in coordination with the implementing State.
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