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Advisory asks labs not to mention info on shelf life of fortified rice & kernel
Wednesday, 23 August, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The food authority has put out an advisory regarding the shelf life of fortified rice and fortified rice kernel and asked the labs not to mention any info regarding shelf life, as a study is undergoing on the subject.

According to FSSAI, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) is conducting a study to determine the shelf life of fortified rice, and fortified rice kernel and it may take more than 2 years to complete.

“In order to avoid any ambiguity with respect to shelf life of fortified rice and fortified rice kernel, all FSSAI notified laboratories are advised not to mention date of expiry or any information related to shelf life of the fortified rice, and fortified rice kernel until any further directions from the food authority,” reads the advisory issued by the FSSAI.

It was brought to the notice of FSSAI that in some cases Certificate of Analysis (CoA) issued by the fortified rice kernel manufacturers, contains expiry date.

“It has been further informed by the FCI that the quantum of procurement of fortified rice is much more than the annual requirement of NFSA/OWS schemes, therefore, a bulk quantity remain in storage beyond one year period,” reads the statement issued by FSSAI.
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