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Ajinomoto Co selected as member of Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
Tuesday, 07 January, 2025, 14 : 00 PM [IST]
Tokyo, Japan
Ajinomoto Co., Inc., has been selected as a member of the World Index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), one of the global ESG stock indices, for the 11th consecutive year. The DJSI are stock price indices developed jointly by US company S&P Dow Jones Indices and the Swiss company RobecoSAM. They analyse and evaluate major global companies from the three dimensions of governance and economy, environment, and society, selecting the companies that are outstanding in sustainability. In 2024, the survey was conducted on 3,500 major global companies and 321 of them were selected for the DJSI World, of which 7 are from the global food products industry and 3 are Japanese companies. The company has also been selected as a member of the DJSI Asia Pacific Index, comprising companies from the Asia-Pacific region, for the 15th consecutive year. The company received high evaluations in categories such as “Transparency & Reporting” and “Tax Strategy” in the governance & economy dimension, “Energy,” “Waste & Pollutants,” and “Climate Strategy” in the environment dimension, and “Human Capital Management,” “Occupational Health & Safety,” and “Health & Nutrition” in the social dimension. The group’s pioneering sustainability initiatives and highly transparent information disclosure have been highly recognised. With its purpose of “contributing to the well-being of all human beings, our society and our planet with ‘AminoScience’,” the group has set two outcomes as its goal: to help extend the healthy life expectancy of one billion people and to reduce its environmental impact by 50 percent by 2030. As initiatives to realise this purpose, the group will promote the evolution of ASV (Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value) management, which aims to co-create social value and economic value through business and, under a governance structure for realising ASV management, will rapidly and continuously improve corporate value by reducing negative impacts and further creating positive impacts.