Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Akshayakalpa Organic unveils second episode of 'Good Food Talks'
Wednesday, 25 September, 2024, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Bengaluru
Akshayakalpa Organic, a pioneering organic dairy and food brand, launches its second episode of the 'Good Food Talks'. Through this series, the brand intends to increase awareness among consumers about the source and quality of food and its future, as well as the fast-growing health and fitness awareness in modern society.

Madhu Chandan, founder, Organic Mandya, shares his insights and talks about the shift in farming practices over the years. He talks about the stark difference between the diverse, self-sustaining agriculture of the past with the commercial monoculture of today. He sheds light on how traditional farming, where crops were grown for personal consumption and local sale, has evolved into a system focused solely on large-scale production for profit. This shift has had severe implications for Indian farmers, with around 90-92% being marginal farmers with landholdings of less than three acres and earning meager incomes.

Chandan said, "Growing up, I saw how the rice my grandparents ate was far healthier than what we have today. This decline in food quality is due to poor soil health and modern farming practices. Embracing organic farming can restore soil health and bring back the nutritious food our ancestors enjoyed."

Shashi Kumar, co-founder and CEO of Akshayakalpa Organic, said, "This episode talks about the deep relationship between the health of our farmers and the food we consume. Organic farming isn’t just about using no chemicals; it is a way of nourishing the soil, farmers, and the people. Through this podcast we want to empower consumers to question the source of their food through such conversations, further raising awareness around what they consume."
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