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Assam signs MoU with QCI to improve food safety ecosystem
Monday, 18 September, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The Assam Government and Quality Council of India (QCI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to improve the food safety ecosystem in the state.
According to reports, the MoU aims to create quality infrastructure through conformity assessment framework based on training and capacity building of stakeholders.
According to the state officials, the MoU marks an important milestone towards achieving excellence in quality in food safety of food products in the state. The MoU will help in quality certification, accreditation, and training which will ensure quality products and services for the consumers along with development of food safety related infrastructure in the state of Assam.
The QCI in a statement added that it will work with the Assam Government to nurture a quality culture in the state which will help in developing the accreditation system and even advising the state government and other stakeholders on matters related to quality in the food safety ecosystem.