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Bhookha Haathi celebrates Nutraceutical Day, spreads fitness awareness
Tuesday, 11 February, 2020, 12 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, Bengaluru
The Bengaluru-based Bhookha Haathi, in tandem with the Fit India Mission of the government, has been working on the cause of health and fitness. It celebrated Nutraceutical Day recently, spreading awareness on health, nutrition and fitness.

The board of directors declared their celebration of an unprecedented Nutraceutical Day, as the company, which had been working in the space of technology and nutraceuticals, launched health supplements for fitness enthusiasts.

The foundation and modus operandi of the company’s ethics were based on the philanthropic and holistic developmental principles, which were showcased in the spectrum of an organic and health-promoting product range like 100 per cent natural compositions.

Nutraceuticals are products, which, other than a nutritive supplement, can also double as a medicine. They can be used to improve health, modulate immunity, delay the aging process, prevent chronic diseases, increase life expectancy, or body function.

They are skillfully crafted and fortified with all the nutrients that one requires on a day-to-day basis that our regular diet fails to provide us.

Abhimanyu Rishi, director, Bhooka Haathi Pvt Ltd, said, “About 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates correctly said, ‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’.”

“Bhookha Haathi believes in the same philosophy and aims to provide food-based alternatives to supplement health and well-being by creating dry-fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, grains and honey-based products that are high in various nutrients one needs to keep today’s lifestyle-related diseases at bay,” he added.

“Bhookha Haathi aims to get rid of popping a pill syndrome by promoting and creating awareness about the long-term benefits of nutraceuticals, hence making them a preferred choice in disease prevention and supplemental health,” Rishi said.

Sathya Sankaran, a bicycling enthusiast from Bengaluru, said, “Over the years, India has seen a deteriorating health condition due to a sedentary lifestyle and the shift to a high-carbohydrate diet that doesn’t fulfill all our nutritional requirements, making us more prone to hereditary and lifestyle diseases. It is highly desirable if nutraceutical options can fill that void. As a fitness enthusiast, I would like to explore such options and augment my diet.”

This health-conscious paradigmatic shift in consumer psychology is deeply acknowledged and to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of such organic, natural products, effective alternative medications in the form of nutraceuticals are established.

Bhookha Haathi aims to nurture this sense of positive change in good spirit by declaring the founding date of the company as Nutraceutical Day, bringing together both material and ideology.

Co-founder Kusum Bhandari said, “Our team at Bhooka Haathi has the objective to work in tandem with the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which involves not only integrating disruptive technology, but also moving away from the mainstream and establishing a discourse for alternative food-based medications.”

“While in Budget 2020, India’s finance minister had announced that by 2025, the current government wants to eradicate TB (tuberculosis). Our vision since inception has been always on the same lines for 2030 to be able to provide a personalised nutraceutical replacement to major ameliorate health conditions with affordable nutrition and technological interventions,” she added.

The range of products by the venture includes dry-fruit mouth refreshers, dry-fruit health-booster starter pack (natural, daily health boosters for sports, fitness, and health enthusiasts), and pro-health booster packs (for gym, yoga, and bicycling experts).
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