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Continental launched a new TVC to showcase its instant coffee brand Continental Xtra Instant Coffee
Wednesday, 27 November, 2024, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Bengaluru
Continental Coffee, one of India’s leading coffee brands and a subsidiary of CCL Products (India) Limited, has unveiled its latest culturally-rooted television commercial (TVC) for its instant coffee brand, Continental Xtra. The commercial uses deep rooted cultural nuances of Tamil Nadu in its effort to connect with the Tamil consumers.

Set in a town in Tamil Nadu, the commercial follows Kavitha, a newly married doctor who joins her husband’s joint family. On her first day, Kavitha’s grandmother in law playfully questions using a Tamil colloquial lingo whether she, as a doctor who is efficient in using injections, knows how to make a great cup of coffee as well. Inspired by her mother’s advice that “the way to an elder’s heart is through a perfect cup of strong coffee in the morning,” Kavitha brews her favourite Continental Xtra Instant Coffee the next morning. As the rich aroma fills the house, family members gather in the kitchen to enjoy her coffee, leaving Kavitha smiling with a sense of accomplishment and connection in her new family.

Raja Chakraborty, CMO, Continental Coffee, said, "At Continental our endeavour is to develop brands which are culturally rooted. So, for our South Indian blend Instant Coffee ‘Continental Xtra’, its critical for us to understand the culture of various states of South and use those insights thru our communication. The new TVC is an effort in that direction.”

The TVC was directed by Anand Iyer, and produced by Janrise Consulting. Preetam Patnaik, head of marketing, Continental Coffee, said, “We wanted to tell a story that resonates with the cultural nuances of Tamil Nadu, where coffee is a part of family tradition and where women are at the heart of every household.”
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