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Following representation, FSSAI extends milk logo compliance till Dec 31
Tuesday, 28 June, 2022, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has extended the time period for compliance of notification related to 'milk logo'. The Authority has issued an order in this regard saying that the food businesses can comply with the milk logo order by December 31, 2022.
“It has been decided to extend the timeline for mandatory compliance with clause 2(iv)(a) of the notification dated 27th December 2021, related to milk logo for a period of six months i.e. 31st December 2022,” reads the order while adding that the food businesses willing to comply earlier can do so.
The December 2022 notification by FSSAI prescribed the definition and labelling requirement of dairy analogues and provisions related to use of the specified logo for milk and milk products.
The Clause 2(iv)(a) of the said notification says ?’All milk and milk products, including composite milk products, as defined in sub-item b, e, f, h and i of item 1 of this sub-regulation shall exclusively use the following logo on the product label image.png.
According to Inoshi Sharma, executive director, FSSAI, the stakeholders made representation before the food authority on the issue of ‘milk logo’ with reference to the mandatory nature of its usage for milk and milk products, and sought clarity in respect of textual part, dimensions, and colour scheme of the logo and the consequent need for the extension of the date of compliance with provisions related to the use of ‘milk logo.
And, after consideration, it was decided to extend the timeline for mandatory compliance with milk logo order for a period of six months.