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FSSAI extends enforcement of ads & claims norms by 6 mths
Thursday, 27 July, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi  
The FSSAI has decided to extend the date of enforcement of FSS (Advertising and Claims) Second Regulations, 2022, for six months from June 13 so that food businesses could exhaust their existing food packaging materials.  

In a similar move, the apex food regulator had earlier in February extended the timeline for implementation of the regulation until June 2023.  

“After due consideration of the representation received from industry and also to ensure sustainable practices for food business operations, it has been decided to extend the date of enforcement of Sub-Regulation 7 of Regulation 4 of FSS (Advertising and Claims) Second Regulations, 2022, by a further period of six months from 13th June 2023,” reads the order.  

The Sub-Regulation (7) of Regulation 4 of the amended regulations specifies that in case of trade mark, brand name or fancy name containing adjectives such as "natural", "fresh", "pure" etc., a disclaimer "This is only a brand name or trademark, or fancy name and does not represent its true nature:(relevant one may be chosen as applicable)" shall be mentioned 'prominently' on the front of pack of the label.  

Since the food businesses could not exhaust the pre-printed packaging material in the previously given extension, the FBOs sought an extension again and FSSAI agreed.
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