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FSSAI initiates prosecution against FBOs found violating food safety laws
Saturday, 23 September, 2023, 15 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the country's apex food regulator, has taken stern action against Food Business Operators (FBOs) found to be violating food safety laws. According to the records, 1,411 prosecution cases have been initiated against FBOs found violating the provisions of the Food Safety  and Standards (FSS) Act, 2006 since April 1, 2023.

The prosecution initiated against the FBOs covers different violations committed, including carrying out a food business without a valid licence and manufacturing or selling unsafe food. Since the beginning of this financial year, a number of food products across various categories like milk and milk products, spices, packaged drinking water, nutraceuticals, sauces, pickles, chips, jaggery and so on have been tested to ensure compliance with product standards and safety of the same.

FSSAI, along with states/UTs food authorities, is continuously monitoring the quality and safety of food products for consumers in the country by drawing and testing samples. FBOs found to be in violation of the rules are liable to face fines and legal action under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The FSSAI seeks to prevent non-compliant practices and ensure that consumers across the nation have access to safe and high-quality food products through stringent inspections, monitoring, and enforcement campaigns.

The regulator strongly advises all FBOs to follow the standards of food products prescribed by it and ensure safe and hygienic practices for the manufacturing of food products. Any non-compliance may result in strict action against the violating FBOs.
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