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FSSAI notifies CAC; members appointed for period of 3 years
Tuesday, 09 August, 2022, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The FSSAI has notified the Central Advisory Committee (CAC) of the food authority along with its members. The members were appointed for a period of three years.

The committee includes two members each with relevant expertise from various specialised fields including food industry, agriculture, consumers, research bodies and food laboratories.

CAC members include Manoj Pareek, head, R&D, Hindustan Unilever Limited; Indrani Kar, principal advisor, Confederation of Indian Industry representing food industry; Dr. C. Chinnusamy, retired professor (Agronomy); and Dr. Gunjan Jha, specialist Horticulture, representing Agriculture sector; S. Saroja, ED, Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG); and George Cheriyan, director,  Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) representing consumer organisations; Dr. Devinder Dhingra, principal scientist (PE), Indian Council of Agricultural Research; and Dr. Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Senior Scientist, - CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research representing research bodies; Dr. Balwinder Bajwa, director & CEO, EFRAC Ltd; and Dr. Sivalinga Prasad Vasireddi, chairman, Vimta Labs Limited representing food laboratories.

According to the FSSAI, the CAC is a body established for ‘close cooperation’ between the food authority and the organisations working in the field of food.

“CAC advises the food authority on various matters including prioritisation of work, identifying potential risks, pooling of knowledge etc. and holds meetings 3-4 times a year,” read a FSSAI statement.

The tenure of the previous CAC expired on July 4, 2022.

Nominated to the CAC, George Cheriyan, director, CUTS, has said that as member he will be closely monitoring the proposed regulations by the FSSAI, particularly pushing for an effective front of the pack labelling regulation.

“We, as members, represent the consumer interests and CAC is a good platform to take stock of the progress of the food safety ecosystem, as all the Food Safety Commissioners are also part of the CAC. We would closely monitor the various proposed regulations like front of the pack labelling (the Health Star rating, as proposed by FSSAI for front of the pack labelling), which I feel was not good for the consumers,” said Cheriyan.
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