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FSSAI re-operationalises stds for crude corn (maize) oil under additives norms
Monday, 22 May, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
The Food Authority, FSSAI, has re-operationalised the standards for crude corn (maize) oil under the provisions for solvent extracted crude vegetable oil in the FSS (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations.
The FSSAI has already notified the draft in this regard for public comments and according to the food authority, it was done to allow the food businesses to import the crude corn (maize) oil.
“FSS (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations is already notified on FSSAI website on 31.05.2022 for public comments. Meanwhile, to allow the FBOs to import the crude corn (maize) oil, it has been decided to re-operationalise the provisions of proposed draft with effect from 20.12.2022,” reads the notice issued by the FSSAI.
The draft lays to amend the sub regulation 2.2.9 relating to solvent extracted crude vegetable oils (not direct human consumption).
According to the draft, the solvent extracted crude corn (maize) oil need to follow parameters including moisture and insoluble impurities (% by mass max) -0.25, refractive index at 40% -1.4637-1.4675, saponification value range 187-195, iodine value at 103-128, acid value max at 8, unsaponifiable matter (% by mass) -2.5 and flashpoint penskey martens (closed up method) at 100 degree centigrade.