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How to sip wine and stay healthy during lockdown: Tips by Sonal Holland
Thursday, 23 April, 2020, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Mumbai
During the ongoing lockdown, we're often faced with a slight conflict, we wish to maintain good health and keep our immunity levels high but also can't ignore the desire to enjoy an occasional tipple to relax and keep our sanity levels in check.

Luckily, there’s a way to achieve both.

Sonal Holland, master of wine, shares her tips on how you can indulge in a glass of your favourite wine without overdoing it either. 

She calls it the art of “having the cake and eating it too.” 

A regular pour of wine, approximately is 150ml and contains 20ml of pure alcohol by volume. This is an equivalent of 2 units of alcohol. Research suggests, upto 2 units of any alcohol of your choice is well within the recommended limits of healthy, responsible consumption on a routine basis.

To make the most of your well-deserved glass of wine at the end of the day, make sure you choose quality over quantity. Follow a simple rule of thumb: if you're going to drink only one glass, pick something special!

Sip, don't guzzle the wine in your glass. Not only will this help your wine last through the evening and allow you to savour it for longer, but also makes it easier on your constitution. Sipping ensures you are not overloading your system with a large amount of alcohol to metabolise.

You must try and consume some food along with your alcohol. Foods that are high in protein content and low in carbohydrates, such as cheese and peanuts, are ideal. These are easily available, help to slow down the absorption of alcohol in your bloodstream, and help to exert less strain on your metabolic systems.

Hydrating is a must! Always remember to drink a tall glass of water after you have finished drinking your glass of wine. This helps to ensure the alcohol concentration in your system is in check and is easier for the liver to metabolise.

While it is perfectly fine to consume one or two units of alcohol daily, it does not necessarily mean you should. Moderate your intake by skipping a few days and drinking a glass of wine only on the weekends instead. Take care to not go overboard when indulging after a break, and try to restrict it to a glass or two at the most to make sure you are drinking wine in a healthy manner, without compromising on your fitness or immunity.
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