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HRAWI hosts seminar in Panaji on simplifying GST for hospitality industry
Wednesday, 02 August, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Mumbai
The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI), organised an insightful seminar aimed at simplifying the Goods and Services Tax (GST), for the hospitality industry in Panaji. The seminar was held on the heels of the 50th GST Council meeting which took place in New Delhi. The event was hosted at the hotel - Fortune Miramar, drawing attendance from forty-two hospitality professionals including hotel and restaurant owners from across Goa. Jinit R Shah, a seasoned chartered accountant with over 15 years of experience, conducted the seminar, providing in-depth knowledge and practical insights on GST related topics to the participants.

The inauguration of the seminar was graced by HRAWI members, including Pradeep Shetty – president, Nirav Gandhi - senior vice president, Jimmy Shaw - secretary, Dilip Kothari - secretary, Paramjit Ghai - treasurer, Carl Costa - executive member and State co-ordinator, Goa.

The seminar focused on a variety of GST-related topics that are relevant to the hospitality industry. These topics included the rates applicable to restaurant services within hotel premises with different room tariffs, free food supplied to staff, food packaging, tips and service charge, covers charges, and sponsorships. For hotels, Shah shared insights on the break-up of room tariffs and the applicable GST rates, including when there is provision for extra beds, or when guests use hotel utilities such as laundry services or consume from the mini-fridges in the rooms, among others.

“I thank Shah for conducting this informative seminar on simplifying the GST for hospitality businesses. The GST has been a complex and challenging tax regime for our industry and this seminar has helped us to better understand the rules and how to comply with them. His insights and practical examples tailored specifically for the hospitality sector have been immensely valuable for our members. The seminar has empowered professionals to navigate the GST landscape with confidence and efficiency, addressing doubts and providing valuable resources. The seminar has not only helped us clarify doubts on a variety of GST related topics but, has also equipped us better to navigate any variances in the GST landscape. This seminar proved to be a valuable resource for us all and we look forward to hosting more such enlightening sessions in the future,” said Shetty.
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