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India's mango exports to USA double this year
Tuesday, 30 May, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Aanchal Chaudhary, Mumbai 
Mango exports to USA from India have witnessed unprecedented success in 2023. Experts remarked that the presence of a substantial Indian diaspora, numbering 4.7 million strong, has been the primary driving force behind the surge in demand for Indian mango varieties in the North American country.

Favourable weather conditions and an early start to the mango season in India have played a pivotal role in the abundance and quality of this year's crop.

With optimal growing conditions, Indian mango producers have experienced a bountiful harvest, providing an ample supply to meet the surging demand in USA. The current season is projected to double the volume achieved in 2022, marking a remarkable milestone for the Indian mango industry.

Kaushal Khakhar, CEO, Kay Bee Exports, highlighted the global demand for Indian mangoes, particularly in countries with a large Indian-origin population. He mentioned the United Kingdom as another example, where 70% of the total Indian population in Europe resides. Programmes have been established with major retailers in the UK to supply mangoes throughout the three-month season. Furthermore, he mentioned Japan as a country focused on the aesthetic appearance of fresh produce, where Indian mangoes have seen success for the past two seasons.

“With the demand for Indian mangoes on the rise, the volume of mangoes exported is expected to exceed 2,000 tonne this year, doubling the previous year's volume. The quality of fruits available is also excellent, thanks to high temperatures experienced since February. The season started a couple of weeks early in mid-March and is expected to last until the second half of June. To meet the growing demand in USA, a fourth irradiation facility has opened in Gujarat, adding to the existing facilities in Maharashtra and Karnataka. These strategically located facilities near mango-growing regions and international airports facilitate quick shipping of the fruits after treatment,” he added.

One of the defining characteristics of Indian mangoes is their exclusive air-freighted transportation, which meticulously preserves their aromatic essence and unparalleled freshness during transit.
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