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Instant beverage premix: The next big trend
Saturday, 13 August, 2022, 15 : 00 PM [IST]
Swamini Kulkarni
The instant beverage premixes category has witnessed insane growth over the last few years. This is pertaining to the boom in advertisement and marketing along with drastic changes in the lifestyle of consumers. Instant beverages offer healthy hydration, boost metabolism, and improve functionality in today’s fast-paced life. Thus, instant coffee, instant tea, and even instant cocktails have taken the market by storm.

Industry overview
According to Allied Market Research, the global instant beverages premix market is expected to garner $137.00 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2022 to 2031. Increase in health awareness and concern regarding obesity has boosted the market growth.

Instant beverage premixes are available in the form of paste, powder, and granules, which contain fruit powders, vitamins, edible acids, vegetable extracts, and aromatizing agents. Thus, by merely mixing it with water or milk, the user can reap the benefits of the beverage in no time. Keeping the concern over increasing obesity and diabetes in mind, the market players have launched instant drinks that are in sugar-free forms.

The manufacturers of beverage premix are more under pressure than ever to develop formulations that are globally accepted. These premixes are vital in maintaining manufacturability and developing unique beverages. The demand for multi-faceted beverages has increased drastically as they add value and improve the health of the consumer. Thus, today’s beverage premixes contain a variety of ingredients from amino acids to caffeine and specific micronutrients. Moreover, they contain complex combinations to get the desired outcome, which encouraged innovators to invest more in R&D and come up with unique ingredients that offer new flavours to consumers.
Having said that, instant beverage premixes offer certain benefits as well. Instant beverages premix require fewer ingredients to be blended and there is rather less chance of loss of raw materials in the process. Moreover, with the use of premixes, less time is required.Furthermore, premixes eliminate errors during the batching process. They ensure compliance with label claims and help simplify the management of usage rates. Moreover, premixes undergo several levels of quality checking that customers cannot get while procuring ingredients separately. This way, premixes add another layer of protection and privacy of formulation.
When it comes to consumer instant beverages, customers crave consistency. With premixes, there is no chance of error during manufacturing. Moreover, premixes offer the same aesthetics, flavour, and functionality with each batch irrespective of location, production budget, and order quantity.

Covid-19 scenario
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the demand for instant beverages increased significantly. The strict rules of lockdown and adoption of work from home offered people a lot of time in hand to experiment with new flavours and drinks. Moreover, the rise in penetration of online sales channels positively affected the market. The demand for instant cocktails increased during the pandemic as restaurants and bars were closed indefinitely during the initial phase of the pandemic.

Opportunities in the instant cocktails and drinks
The big boom for instant beverages, especially hard seltzers began in the last three years and peaked during the pandemicdue to restaurant shutdown. The canned cocktails and hard seltzers witnessed the biggest growth in the retail market. The market players introduced more and more canned drinks that are not beer and instant cocktails that contain low calories options and are made with real fruits. These drinks gained the attention of fitness enthusiasts and helped shake off an image of instant beverages as sugary and unhealthy drinks. In addition, hard seltzers have gained tremendous popularity that can help consumers explore other instant beverages and canned cocktails.

Opportunities in instant coffee and instant tea

Over the years, the instant coffee category has witnessed tremendous growth largely driven by single-serve, single-cup, ready-to-drink coffee.The demand for instant coffee that offers functional ingredients, non-dairy innovations, and claims to offer health benefits has increased. Hispanic and young consumers are the prime target customers of instant coffee. Moreover, major coffee serving companies such as Starbucks and Stok have been benefiting from the demand for instant coffee.

The trend of offering non-dairy milk alternatives has supplemented the growth of instant beverages. The companies have invested big bucks in promoting and launching non-dairy milk alternatives to target lactose intolerant people. The Millennials and Gen Zs have been seeking non-dairy milk alternatives that offer the same benefits and taste as milk and brands have been offering instant beverages that go well with such milk alternatives. Moreover, cold-brewed and nitro-brewed instant coffees gained the most appeal due to their ability to support sugar-reduction trends.

Over the years, the demand for instant beverage premixes has increased. They include several vitamins, amino acids, minerals, botanicals, and sweeteners. Some are even suitable for diabetic patients and lactose intolerant people. As premixes are incorporated into the formulation, their cost of manufacturing is low and they offer the utmost levels of consistency andprotection along with numerous benefits.

(The author works as a content writer at Allied Market Research)
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