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Karnataka set to release  policy framework on agri start-ups & operational guidelines to boost growth
Friday, 12 February, 2021, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Nandita Vijay, Bengaluru
Karnataka government is expected to shortly bring out a policy framework on agri start-ups and operational guidelines. The state sees that this would give the much needed boost to the agriculture landscape across the 30 districts.

The move ensues following Union government’s Start up and Stand Up India agenda, announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Since the country has been noticing the significant contribution coming in from the start-ups in the primarily in the area of innovation in technology that could bring in cost effectiveness and efficiency. In this regard the state government has constituted a committee to devise a policy framework on agri start-ups and operational guidelines that will enable formulate a  congenial eco-system for this segment of early stage companies.

On similar lines too agri start-ups can provide missing links in the agricultural value chain and deliver efficient, innovative products, technologies and services to farmers and consumers, noted Karnataka Agriculture Minister B C Patil.

Minister Patil was deliberating  a virtual session of  the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) summit and awards for agri start-ups, said the food and agriculture practices and enterprises in India are ready for transformational changes in line with the new government policies.

"Agriculture has been rapidly evolving into agri business in terms of approach and structure. The committee has submitted the policy documents to the government, and we are in the process of releasing it shortly," he was quoted as saying in a FICCI statement.

T R Kesavan, chairman, FICCI National Agriculture Committee & Group President (Corporate Relations and Alliances), TAFE said  every agri start-up has its own strength and there is a need to create a dedicated cell for agri start-ups.

According to Hemendra Mathur, chairman, FICCI Task Force on Agri Start-ups, "Bengaluru is the tech capital of the country and we must think towards building a centre for excellence in the agriculture sector with the kind of talent and resources that we have in Karnataka."

Pravesh Sharma, Chairman, FICCI Task Force on FPOs and Co-founder and CEO, Kamatan Farm Tech Pvt Ltd, emphasised on having state-level agri start-up policy for different states and this should be supported by a dedicated organisation to promote agri start-ups.

Chiming in on a similar note was Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, FICCI who said that the agriculture ecosystem is witnessing a wave of entrepreneurship with disruptive and futuristic ideas.
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