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Lubrizol melt-in-your-mouth magnesium has highest palate appeal
Tuesday, 10 December, 2024, 15 : 00 PM [IST]
Lubrizol’s Magshape melt-in-your mouth magnesium was rated the most palate-pleasing option in a new consumer study. The powdered stick’s superior sensory properties were confirmed in a blind tasting panel involving 100 participants.

It is a microencapsulated form of magnesium crafted to redress many of the challenges associated with magnesium supplementation. Traditional magnesium supplements can have unpleasant aftertastes, cause gastric discomfort and require high product volume to get the recommended magnesium daily intake. Initially made available in a highly concentrated and chewable tablet, the company has recently introduced its ingredient in a new, trendy food supplement format: a small 1.5 g sachet of oro-soluble powder prototype. This format appeals to the growing number of consumers who prefer to forego swallowing pills and was the format used in this sensory study.

Each compact sachet delivers 250mg magnesium in a low-dose powder that can be taken directly or dispersed effortlessly into a wide range of on-the-go delivery formats without the need to previously dilute it in water, making it ideal for consumption on the go. It is an ideal solution for a post-work intake to help relax the mind and muscles and for a restful sleep.  The patent pending technology applied is based on the micronisation and microencapsulation of magnesium. The technology improves the bioavailability of magnesium while also enhancing its stability and dispersibility.  This technology enables the development of new on-the-go delivery formats of magnesium supplements such as oro-soluble powders, as it allows the product to have a pleasant taste and dissolve well in the mouth without leaving lumps or giving a pasty sensation.

According to Innova Market Insights, while traditional formats such as tablets and softgels are still popular, powdered supplement formats are gaining traction due to increased consumer focus on sensory appeal and convenience. Innova also spotted an increased focus of influencers on magnesium in social media. In particular: the use of magnesium for promoting sleep, alleviating stress and boosting energy levels are all gaining popularity on a number of social media platforms.

Five oro-soluble powder formulations containing 250 mg of magnesium were tested, with the only difference being the source of magnesium. It was compared to commonly used magnesium salts such as magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium bicarbonate, and magnesium bisglycinate. Participants validated their acceptance and preference of the different oro-soluble magnesium powders on multiple aspects of each product’s sensory properties and ranked each product based on their overall preference.

Isabel Gómez, global marketing manager for Lubrizol Nutraceutical business, said, “While magnesium is emerging as a popular go-to for the proactive health-conscious consumer, we identified the most common complaints associated with this mineral via an AI-driven search. The main consumer complaints about magnesium supplementation include the tendency to leave a long, lingering unpleasant aftertaste and the need to swallow large or multiple pills to obtain the daily required dose. Both can affect consumers’ commitment to the daily routine. Additional complaints include digestive upsets, poor solubility and gritty texture.”
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