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MoFPI to include Integrity Pact in bids for various schemes
Tuesday, 09 January, 2024, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi 
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has decided to include the Integrity Pact (IP) as per CVC (Central Vigilance Commission) guidelines in the bids announced by the ministry for various schemes.

"The Pre-bid and Post-Contract Integrity Pact is a tool to help governments, businesses and civil society to fight corruption in public contracting. It binds both procuring entities and sellers to ethical conduct and transparency in all activities from pre-selection of bidders, bidding and contracting, implementation, completion and operation related to the contract," reads a statement issued by the ministry adding that this removes insecurity of bidders, that while they themselves may abjure bribery, but their competitors may resort to it and win contract by unfair means.

The IP will be the part of the text of bid so floated for tendering Request For Proposals.

According to the ministry, the pact essentially envisages an agreement between the prospective contractors/bidders and the Procuring Entity, committing the persons/ officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any aspect/stage of the contract.

And only those contractors/bidders, who commit themselves to such a Pact with the Procuring Entity would be considered competent to participate in the bidding process meaning entering into this Pact would be preliminary qualification.

Also, the Integrity Pact envisages engagement of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) by the Government Organisations to monitor the smooth implementation of Pact.

MoFPI has appointed 3 such Monitors, who will act as Independent External Monitors.
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