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New provision to ensure expired food items do not get rebranded and sold
Wednesday, 29 January, 2025, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
For ensuring that rejected/expired food items do not get rebranded and sold for human consumption under the guise of cattle feed, the Indian food regulator FSSAI has introduced a new provision in the FoSCoS for the quarterly submission of information by FSSAI Licensed Food Manufacturers (including Repacker, Relabeller & Importers).
Under the new provision, regarding the quantity of the food products that have failed to meet quality standards during internal testing or inspection & rejected for sale into market and the quantity of the food products that have been expired or returned from the food chain due to expiry or other quality issues, the FBO needs to maintain a detailed record of how rejected or expired products were handled. Further, they should include the quantities destroyed, auctioned, or redirected for alternative uses, along with specific details of these actions such as details of buyer of auctioned products or waste disposal agency.
The information will be required to be submitted through the FoSCoS (Food Safety Compliance System) on a quarterly basis.
According to FSSAI, the provision for submitting such data will be activated in due course. In the meantime, FBOs were requested to begin consolidating the required data for the prescribed categories.
"This will ensure that the data can be readily provided to the food authority whenever required and can also be promptly uploaded once the provision is activated."
"This is also being done to ensure that the quantity of rejected/expired goods and the action thereon viz. disposal or auctioned for purpose other than the food for human consumption, can be tracked by the authority in real time," reads the advisory.