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One District One Product approved for 713 districts under PMFME Scheme
Tuesday, 28 March, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
Out of all 766 districts across 36 States/ UTs, One District One Product has been approved for 713 districts of 35 States/ UTs under Centrally Sponsored "Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme" implemented by Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI).

The State of West Bengal has agreed to participate in the scheme in January 2023. It has been approved by the Ministry on the recommendations of States/ UTs for the districts of West Bengal along with newly formed districts across 7 States/ UTs has not been recommended by the respective States/ UTs.

The digital map has been developed by the MoFPI, and 710 districts from 35 States and UTs have been indicated. Along with it, districts covering 216 Integrated Tribal Development Areas, 112 Aspirational districts and 35 districts with more than 40% SC population are indicated in the map.

MoFPI has approved 76 Incubation Centres across the country with an outlay of 205.95 crore under PMFME Scheme to provide support to existing / prospective entrepreneurs for capacity building, new / innovative product developments etc. across the value chain.

The generation of revenue has not been envisaged under PMFME Scheme.

The PMFME Scheme provides financial, technical and business support for setting up / upgradation of micro food processing enterprises in the country which inter-alia creates the scope for employment at local level including opportunities for youth.
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