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Organic food gets boost with 5 tips for eating healthy when you’re working from home
Friday, 16 April, 2021, 12 : 00 PM [IST]
Anoop Varma
Since the covid-19 pandemic, many realisations have come across people, and the most prominent one is healthy eating habits. During this time work from home has become a trend due to which the people are leading more sedentary lives, leading to weight and multiple health issues.

People need to understand that proper diet and health are proportioned to each other as, if the diet is right then the body will be healthy. A nutritious balanced diet works wonders in many ways, the first and foremost being that it'll enhance the immune system, and an efficient immune system will help the body fight against all sorts of diseases.

Despite the vaccine being available, it is still not fool proof and with rising cases, the safest most option for people is to maintain a good diet which is a homemade remedy for getting a better immune system. Adding essential vitamins and minerals will help a long way. Several foods and easily available homemade items will do wonders in building the immune system especially with the onset of summers. In such weather, the body requires rehydration and rejuvenation thus, a few of the foods will be discussed which will be helpful in the said cause.

Yogurt is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk; it is a natural probiotic that helps to build good bacteria in our body. It is better taken fresh and a few things could be added too to make it even better like ground cumin powder, black salt, and mint to enhance the taste.

Turmeric is used in abundance in every home, which is also called golden spice. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that is why every mother and grandmother advises turmeric mixed with milk. Curcumin is one compound that is found in turmeric, it's very important as it helps in healing wounds and infection and it should not be taken with water though the best way to have it is with boiled milk, although for different uses it can be used with coconut oil and black pepper.

If we look around us there are a lot of antivirus foods, such as Tulsi, ginger, and garlic, all of them perform the same function, they boost immunity from seasonal flu, and also help in flushing out the toxins. Tulsi drink which is made up of 5-6 leaves with garlic and crushed pepper plus add some black salt and half a lemon and have the drink warm.

Amla juice is also such an example which is helpful in immunity-boosting purposes take a garlic piece and leaves it in the air for 4-5 minutes so that the allicin compound which has medicinal properties gets activated and then has it.
5 Tips for Eating Healthy when you’re Working from Home
Hydrate yourself
Drink water throughout the workday which will help your body feel full. Frequently drinking water, or another healthy beverage such as tea gives mind and body, also refilling your beverage is a great excuse to get up and stretch those legs.

Develop healthy habits
Establishing healthier habits and treats for yourself will be much more beneficial, also you can be pretty creative with your rewards. Substitute that sugar-packed snack for a nice walk around the neighbourhood, fitness or art class in the middle of the day, calling up a friend, or time with your favourite blog.

Make sure you eat
Once you hit the ground running working, it can be hard to take a break to eat. Eating throughout the day can save you from being a big hangry mess once 5 o’clock rolls around.
Say no to caffeine
Too much caffiene is known to cause headaches, anxiety, digestive issues, which are not good when you’re trying to work. Aim for no more than two cups of coffee per day to avoid the jittery feeling.
When you eat, just eat
Being distracted during a meal can lead to over-eating and decreased satisfaction and fullness. Instead, take a break from work to sit down at a table to enjoy your lunch and relax for a few minutes. You’ll enjoy the meal more, and it may even help you feel more prepared for the rest of your workday.

(The author is founder of Everything Organik)
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