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Patanjali to recall batch of red chilli following direction by FSSAI
Saturday, 25 January, 2025, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
Patanjali Foods will recall a batch of red chilli after the company was directed by the food authority to do so.
According to a filing submitted to the NSE by the company, FSSAI has asked the Patanjali Foods to recall a batch of red chilli, which was found non-conforming with FSS Regulations.
The company filed the disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, at National Stock Exchange on Jan 23.
The disclosure reads, "Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we may inform you that Food Safety and Standards Authority of India vide its Order dated January 13, 2025 (received on January 16, 2025), has directed the Patanjali Foods Limited ("the Company") to initiate recall of the entire batch of implicated food (i.e. "Red Chilli Powder (packed)" of Batch No. AJD2400012 due to non-conformance of the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011."
Patanjali Foods is a FMCG company and as per reports it has recorded overall income of over Rs 8,100 crore.
Meanwhile, the spice trade has been on the receiving end in recent times with some countries even banning some Indian spice brands after which FSSAI had even ordered a detailed survey of spices.