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Production linked incentive scheme for food processing industry
Tuesday, 19 December, 2023, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
According to Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Food Processing Industry (PLISFPI) Guidelines, the PLI bene?ciaries are required to furnish incentive claims for a speci?c ?nancial year by 31st December of the following ?nancial year. Incentives of Rs 584.30 crore for FY 2021-22 have been disbursed in 41 cases so far.

The selection of beneficiaries under PLISFPI has been made on the basis of eligibility criteria in the Scheme Guidelines finalised after consultation with stakeholders.

The state-wise information of the number of companies covered under the PLI Scheme, on the basis of the o?ces, is at Annexure. The manufacturing units are located through-out the country.

The scheme aims to create employment for approximately 2.5 lakh persons. As of September 30, 2023, Quarterly Review Reports from PLI beneficiaries indicate the creation of employment for 2,37,335 persons. The employment data is maintained company wise; State-wise employment data is not maintained.
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