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Production Linked Incentive Scheme in food processing sector
Friday, 17 March, 2023, 16 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
Minister of State for Food Processing Industries Prahlad Singh Patel, in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha, has informed that the Union Cabinet in its meeting on March 31, 2021, approved the Central Sector Scheme- “Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Food Processing Industry (PLISFPI)” to support creation of global food manufacturing champions commensurate with India’s natural resource endowment and support Indian brands of food products in the international markets with an outlay of ?10,900 crore. The implementation of the scheme would facilitate expansion of capacity of processed food products and create employment. The first component of the scheme relates to incentivising manufacturing of four major food product segments viz. Ready to Cook/ Ready to Eat (RTC/ RTE) foods including millets based products, processed fruits and vegetables, marine products and mozzarella cheese. The second component relates to production of Innovative/ Organic products of Small and Medium Enterprises, including Free Range - Eggs, Poultry Meat, Egg Products in these four segments. The third component relates to support for branding and marketing abroad to incentivise emergence of strong Indian brands. From the savings, one more component for millet-based products has been added in the year 2022-23 with an outlay of ?800 crore.

The scheme is not specific to any State or region. One application from the North Eastern Region, of Sanna Enterprises, for millet based products, was received and selected. However, various Food Processing Units located in the North Eastern States, covered under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme are as under:

S. No.

Name of the Applicant




Sanna Enterprises




Bikaji Foods International Limited




Prataap Snacks Limited

Kamrup (2 Units)


The Government constituted a Task Force on Nutraceutical Sector under the Chairmanship of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India in December, 2021 to evolve a roadmap to provide a thrust to Nutraceutical Sector and facilitate unlocking of the sector’s growth potential by addressing the challenges the industry is facing. The Ministry of Food Processing Industries is a member of this Task Force.

Funds Allocated Under PMKSY
Patel, in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha, informed that total fund of Rs 4439.20 crore has been allocated for the period from 2017-18 to 2022-23 under Central Sector Umbrella Scheme - Pradhan Mantri Kisan SampadaYojana (PMKSY). Out of 4439.20 crore, Rs 3566.80 crore have been released in form of grants-in-aid under PMKSY as on Feb 28, 2023.

MoFPI has sanctioned so far 1,375 food processing projects including projects of Food Testing Laboratories, Research & Development on food processing sector and Skill Development involving total grants-in-aid of Rs. 8536.14 crore. SAMPADA scheme has assisted in benefitting 56.01 lakh farmers and generating 8.28 lakh employments.

The sub-schemes namely (i) Integrated cold chain and Value Addition Infrastructure, (ii) Creation of Infrastructure for Agro Processing Clusters, (iii) Creation/ Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities and (iv) Operation Greens of PMKSY helps in increasing processing level of the raw farm produce by reducing the loss due to perishability. The major steps taken/ being taken by Government of India for boosting export of processed food are implementing Agriculture Export Policy, District as Export Hubs (DEH) scheme on One District One Product (ODOP) basis, Production Linked Incentive schemes, collaboration with Missions/ Embassies, organising trade fairs and Buyer –Seller meets.
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