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Royal De Heus strengthens position in Poland with acquisition of Golpasz S.A.
Friday, 12 March, 2021, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Royal De Heus has completed the acquisition of the Polish compound feed company Golpasz. The transaction has been finalised after approval by the Polish antitrust agency. With annual sales of almost 500,000 tonnes of compound feed, it is a market leader in turkey feed on the Polish market and has secured a leading position in broiler feed. This acquisition is consistent with the company’s ambition of further strengthening its leading position in Poland.

The company offers a complete range of compound feeds for multiple animal categories, including turkey, broilers, pigs, cattle (meat and milk) and other poultry. It is driven by its quality philosophy, experienced strong growth over the past 10 years. 

The company has four modern production sites that are favourably located geographically in relation to the most important livestock farming regions. With a total of twelve plants, the company now has an excellent spread across Poland. The Polish southern growth regions will become more easily accessible through this acquisition.

Combined knowledge in the field of animal nutrition
Both companies have high-quality specialised knowledge relating to animal nutrition, livestock farming and production technology. 

Adam Zaleski, general manager De Heus Poland, said, “Golpasz is a successful, well-managed organisation. Similar to De Heus, the activities and company culture at Golpasz are characterised by entrepreneurship and customer orientation. I am convinced that the combination of both companies can further strengthen our market approach.”
“Both companies perceive many mutual benefits in the new partnership. De Heus and Golpasz have high-quality specialised knowledge in animal nutrition, animal husbandry and livestock farming. These competences enable both companies to develop and supply tailor-made (nutritional and business) solutions in line with requirements and demands of their farming customers. Combining strengths will accelerate further improvement in this area. In addition, Golpasz’ highly specialised knowledge in the area of turkey nutrition, adds value to De Heus’ current capabilities. Furthermore, Golpasz will also obtain access to De Heus’ international network and expertise centre, providing Golpasz the opportunity to enrich its knowledge and use it to enhance product innovation initiatives, among other things,” added  Zaleski.

Wieslaw llków, general manager, Golpasz, also looks forward to the future with full confidence, “I am happy that Golpasz now forms part of the De Heus family business.  De Heus is an ideal new shareholder for us. The company has an excellent reputation. Like  us, De Heus maintains a long-term vision. Over the past 20 years, De Heus has demonstrated its ability to establish a sustainable relationship with a growing number of customers and other stakeholders through its focus on customer needs and high-quality products and services. We feel drawn to this.” 

Both companies continue an intensive process of integration that should result in numerous synergies with positive effect on clients, partners employees and business results.
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