Monday, September 30, 2024

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The 27th session of Codex Committee for Food Import & Export Inspection & Certification Systems concludes
Monday, 30 September, 2024, 13 : 00 PM [IST]
The 27th session of the Codex Committee for Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS), has concluded with the adoption of the report, after a week of detailed discussion on an array of issues.

In closing, chairperson, Tom Black, thanked the interpretation team for their ‘incredible work’, and the translation team that worked late to produce the draft report in multiple languages. The tech teams were also thanked for making sure CCFICS27 was ‘a super inclusive meeting’, with hybrid facilities allowing virtual participation. Black also thanked the Codex Secretariat and FAO and WHO representatives who advised the chairperson throughout the week.

The chairperson then thanked delegates, and said, that he “Remains thrilled to be the chair of CCFICS.” He said that he looks forward to working with delegations inter-sessionally. He made the point that with two years now before CCFICS28, there is time for everyone to get actively involved in the work of the electronic working groups (EWGs). “I am quietly optimistic we can do a lot,” he said.

During this week, the committee discussed three draft texts. One, the draft guidelines on prevention and control of food fraud was progressed significantly and, consequently, will be forwarded to CAC47 for adoption at Step 5. An EWG chaired by the United States of America will consider outstanding issues and comments, as well as the reference in the text to feed for food producing animals.

The committee agreed that further work is needed on the draft consolidated Codex guidelines related to equivalence, and draft revision and updating of the Principles for Traceability/Product Tracing as a Tool within a Food Inspection and Certification System (CXG 60-2006).

Four new work proposals will be forwarded to CAC47 for approval. The first of these is on guidance on appeals mechanisms in the context of rejection of imported food, and the second on guidance on the standardization of the representation of sanitary requirements. A third new work proposal involves a revision of the Principles and Guidelines for the Exchange of Information between Importing and Exporting Countries to Support the Trade in Food (CXG 89-2016) to develop principles and guidelines to harmonize the use, development and implementation of establishment listings. The fourth new work proposal seeks CAC approval for the development of high-level guiding principles for the digitalization of National Food Control Systems.
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