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With launch of FoSCoS, FSSAI issues order regarding modification of licences
Monday, 08 June, 2020, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued an order regarding modification of licences by existing licensed manufacturers upon launch of FoSCoS. Under the new regime, standardised food products will be mapped with the food category system for the purpose of licensing and registration of manufacturers.

Presently while applying for licence in FSSAI’s FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration System), the manufacturer applicant types the name of the food product it intends to manufacture in the text box provided. It is now replaced with a selection option for standardised food products with the launch of Food Safety Compliance System or FoSCoS.

The order says, “The change is only for manufacturers including repackers and relabeller of food products. Manufacturers will have to select a standardised product only out of the list provided on the licensing platform. The standardised product shall have its classification as per food category system indicated for convenience. In case, not falling under standardised product, FBO will have to apply under proprietary food, non-specified food or supplements, nutraceuticals, as the case may be. In these cases, the text box approach will continue. Licensing for all FBOs other than manufacturers, such as catering (food services), transport, wholesaler, storage, e- commerce etc. will continue to be on the basis of broad food product categories.”

The order also clarifies that Category 99 is a residual category for licensing purpose for products such as additives/processing aids/enzymes.

“It is proposed to continue the text box approach for category 99 as while some food additives and other substances have standards, there are many for which standards are under development. And at an appropriate time in future, this category may also be considered to be moved to standardised list approach”, reads the order.

Also a new Category 100 is being created only for the purpose of licensing wherein standardised products that do not have a food category system mapped will be listed.

The order says that under the food category 15.0-ready to eat savouries and 16.0 -prepared food there are no standardised food products hence a manufacturer (ex –ready-to-eat packets) need to take Central licence under proprietary food category.

The FSSAI has further clarified in the order that many manufacturers having licences in the wrong food category or having licence for non-standardised products as standardised food products in the previous system will be required to get their licence modified.

In case of existing FBOs holding valid licence for manufacturing of food products, they shall be required to modify their existing licence upon migrating to the new system – FoSCoS, by selecting the products from available list of standardised products. A window for modification of licence, without any modification fee has been provided to such licensed manufacturers for a period up to December 31, 2020, says the order.
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