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Mahyco has no intentions of exporting GM seeds
Monday, 18 April, 2011, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Our Bureau, Mumbai
Mahyco Hybrid Seeds, a leading seeds company, was in the news recently with regard to the export of genetically-modified (GM) seeds to countries such as Bangladesh and Philippines.

Interestingly, while the Indian media is abuzz with the news, the company has its own take. For instance, while Indian government has some restrictions in place, the other two countries in question are said to be considering introduction of laws that are favourable to use of GM seeds, but the company points out that no decisions have been taken with regard to the regulations as yet.

Suryakant Mishra, head, PR, Mahyco Hybrid Seeds, explains, "No GM seeds can be exported to other countries without the approval of the regulatory authorities of exporting and importing countries. Hence, there is no question of Mahyco exporting any GM seeds to any country without necessary approvals."

He further clarifies, "We have agreed to provide this technology to Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) and the University of Philippines Los Banos under the ABSP II programme for resource-poor farmers who are seeking regulatory approval from their respective governments to introduce Bt Brinjal."

According to him, the two countries have the authority whether to approve or disapprove the release of Bt Brinjal technology in their countries and that his company has no plans of exporting any Bt Brinjal seeds to them.
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